Clubs & Organizations

Clubs and Club Sponsor Information

Student Interest Clubs (Open to Everyone)

OrganizationSchoology CodeSponsorDescription
Aerospace ClubHMVC-P4HR-W95D5Ivan Galysh 
Alzheimer's ClubMK2B-KCJW-PN3WHRichard Cutting Learn about Alzheimer's and how to help and volunteer with those experiencing from this disease.
American Sign Language Club (ASL)NS76-MZR7-55BQBNikki Lehman This is a welcoming space to learn ASL or practice with peers.
Andromeda-Literary Arts MagazineTZ98-PH8C-X6G5QLuc Nguyen & James Steck We gather student-created artwork of all mediums and create the literary magazine.
Anime/Origami ClubTDJW-49FR-3WC5TRon Budreau Students meet to watch and discuss anime and create origami projects.
Arduino ClubPWZ3-4VPD-VPZZFJames Kotula  
Art Club43XS-MTM4-VDCMGDanielle Kennedy, Gretchen Mull Enjoy arts and crafts time, mural painting, and open studio art time.
Artificial Intelligence ClubTT8B-JQ6G-38RGHMarques Cameron  
Asian Student AssociationS9QH-BMRV-NW2Q9Aaron Mynes  
Astronomy ClubPXVP-TT79-QJ27HJennifer HolderThis club will encourage exploring the unknown and offer students a basic understanding of astrophysics.
Baking Club6QN8-QD8H-3WBFBTom Usry Enjoy baked goods with your CHS peers.
Best Buddies283P-N6ND-B9RG9Jennifer Garrod Smith, Charlene Meny, Devin Jurczak, & Morgan Erdley  Best Buddies is an international organization based on building one-to-one friendships between people with and without intellectual disabilities, and promoting inclusion.
Beyond BlessedSJ77-GSFS-SPX5WRich Sarhanis  
BhangraMC78-54Z6-VN395Neelam Yadav Learn a folk dance from India
Biochemistry4QBQ-3HQ7-QWFGBLatha Shankar Students connect with experts in the Biochemistry field, read current research, design experiments, collaborate to publish a scientific article
Biology Tutoring Club55NV-BQW2-NCQM5Nina KauserTutoring sessions after school or during CC involving lessons and slides that help students prepare for assessments and the SOL.
Black Student AssociationFD9H-9VZN-Q73WPDwayne Peyton, Danielle HicksBSA exists to support all students by bringing together students of color to learn more about Black History and promote diversity throughout our school.
Board Game ClubBDP4-Z47D-JJ98RNina KauserTo build a community of board game lovers to connect and play on a regular basis.
Bracelet Club6N22-VDNX-DJQZNMichelle Vega 
Career CompassTT2V-J8GP-7G9VHJames KotulaDevelops students soft skills needed in a professional environment.
Cartooning ClubJJ2G-VCR8-BVXFJJoshua Cruciotti Learn to make comics, create storylines, and share work
Chargers for ChildrenXQG5-VF52-F3ZPMTim Allen & Roselyn AbrigoChargers for Children is a club in which students come together in order to help underprivileged children.
Case Study Club6X2T-J88Q-2Q7GBMatt Miles 
Chess9BQG-VG8D-GTJRFNeelam Yadav play chess with your peers
Chinese Student AssociationZRCS-948M-G6CFRRyan Childress 
CHS Unified Special OlympicsP8KN-SJJJ-7FZD4Von-Michael CorpuzSocial inclusion of students with and without intellectual disabilities through shared sports training and competition experiences.
Council of Food ClubG2V2-5BGW-T2JQTElaine Gonzalez Experience food of different cultures through cooking.
Creative Writing Club57SH-CBSS-DXFJCNina Kauser Creative Writing Club is a club where you can take a break from school-related writing and be able to write what YOU want to write, this club offers activities and writing sessions that will help you grow as a creative writer while still being fun and interactive
Cyber Innovations ClubZ9CB-DX5D-TQWJ4Rich Sarhanis 
Cyber PatriotDMG3-MZN4-FK48KTyler Aberle, Cindy Belsky Cyber Patriots/CTF is a nationally connected Air Force Association club that focuses on growth in the cybersecurity field by participating in the annual Cybersecurity competition in addition to other Capture the Flag (CTF) exploitation competitions.
Data Inspired Young Analyst (D.I.Y.A.)MT53-JHSQ-2VRPTMarques Cameron  
Dungeons and Dragons Club4FW7-M3MZ-2HRC2Mary Catherine Keating A place to gather and play role playing games.
Economics Accelerator ClubDV96-ZKZR-M4G2VVictoria Tripp 
Engineering Club DSH9-BTGR-SNHR6Geraldine Erikson 
ESOL Peer TutoringSQXS-FP5P-DJHD6Tatiana Pavlichenko ESOL students meet with the tutors for speaking/reading/socializing working on developing skills in English; subject tutors are also available on demand.
East African Student AssociationP9S2-GKFW-C8SQ6Kristen Schoenberger 
Ethiopian Eritrean ClubTVVG-DKSQ-M49BQJerry West 
F1 Car ClubHKTQ-CW8N-2GCWGSam Little & Eric Cohen 
F1 Stem ClubM7BH-XX2G-JK2GTJennifer Hoffmeier Lincicon 
Fashion ClubQQFK-7QKB-ZBPMZKaryn Jones A club for students interested in fashion merchandising or fashion design.
Feeding ChantillyZCZN-GK9X-DR6DSDebbie KimCollecting food and donating to our local shelters in need.
Fellowship Christian Athletes6XTC-DWMQ-HVH2VCarmen Wise To bring athletes & students interested in Christianity to have a time of inspiration, fellowship, prayer, and Bible study amongst their peers.
Fight for CurePTFX-FB7F-N745ZKaryn Jones A club for students who want to create more awareness for cancer and find a way to give back to those in need.
Filipino Student AssociationM27M-9CQP-7SVQBVon-Michael Corpuz & Jennifer HolderAims to build community, teach, and spread to all students who are interested in learning about the Philippine culture.
Film ClubV7CK-HTSV-N9KP2Bobby Nelson  
Finance and Real Estate Club7JPX-H83S-DFB4RJeffrey Krajic  
Forensics ClubMM9G-PBBJ-TMVVWIan Goozah 
Forever Young Club7FZH-TPJG-PGR8NJoyce KangHelping elderly individuals in nursing homes by making them crafts and gifts that we would donate to them
Future Health Leaders48FK-5F97-PBX44Anila GillFuture Health Leaders is a club that offers fresh insights about the medical field to anyone who wants to pursue medicine in the future.
Future Stem Leaders Alliance (FSLA)ZWBD-DP6Q-H2SDVSam Jonsson Future STEM Leaders Alliance is a club for students interested in STEM and STEM-related studies and careers.
Gardening ClubCW3M-5J9P-WN4X3Tatiana Kinsel Gardening Club focuses on personal gardening projects and connecting with our environment. It is a student led club where any student who joins is welcome to voice their thoughts and start their own projects.
Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)ZKBB-R9SN-6MM8GEvan Ayars Meet and Connect with other LGBTQIA+ students and allies, discuss/learn about issues and history
Generation Union Club3NXB-85DZ-DX6CJElizabeth Rosario Machado 
Geography Club8XZ7-NPZQ-4VGTSFrances Coffey  
Geopolitics ClubDFRG-HPSR-9QGTRMatt Stoner In Geopolitics Club we engage in civil political discourse in a formal but friendly environment.
Girl Up 3VNP-TB73-KQ3RHEkim TektasProvides awareness and support for equal opportunity for education in the community and internationally
Girls Who CodeTMT3-T55R-WN7K8Deborah Myung  
Global Medical Brigade7WW3-NM3X-6T4FTRichard CuttingTrain & teach students how to give back to the community using hands on approach that focuses within communities that are under resourced to help resolve health disparities.
Green Collective64JJ-FTFW-837WWJennifer Garrod-SmithThe Green Collective is Chantilly’s FCPS Get2Green club. We will be focusing on the County’s Zero Waste by 2030 initiative by working on recycling, composting, and biodiversity at Chantilly.
H.E.R.O.N9TP-NZVF-HZZMPBetty Ablimit Advocating for human rights crisis around globe, aiming to educate our local community
Health Tech ClubZXZJ-SSKS-ZJ8D6Jennifer Callahan  
Hopper Science Journal ClubGW44-PQBW-KB5Q8Dr. Gill 
Improv ClubNTXW-ZGD6-TSNWQShannon Spicer  
Indian Student Association9WGN-WGCS-PNKNKLatha Shankar Students find a sense of belonging or experience South Asian Culture through celebrations
InvestmentQ4B3-T7CJ-M5KNJJoe ClementLearn about saving and investing, and participate in national investment competitions and stock market simulations
Jewish Student AssociationNK9D-BJB7-K45X3Heather Shapiro Appreciation for Jewish cultural history
Just Jersey's ClubT3QT-STTT-V22G9Mike Murphy  
Key ClubT5VN-D2KK-F23NJRoselyn Abrigo  
Knitting & Crochet Club2DRQ-6VMZ-XCC38Scott Smith Knitting and Crochet club is a collaborative club where members learn to crochet for personal or non-profit organizations to earn service hours.
Korean ClubHNZ2-JGSG-WQF6QEunyoung Ko Learn about Korean Culture and make friends
K-POPTV2V-M9BH-7S4NJAaron Mynes  
Kuchipudi Dance ClubGBHS-S7DB-3GCW6Aaron MynesA place where Kuchipudi dancers can gather to learn more about the cultural dance.
Latin ClubQPZB-TTDQ-7NVC5Bethany Abelseth Latin Club explores trivia and certain festivals from and about ancient Rome and Greece.
Magic the Gathering ClubS2JW-BG7S-R6H3SJoshua Cooper, Nina Kauser, Thomas Usry Learn to play the world's first and most popular Trading Card Game (TCG)
Malaysia Club (MY Club)4RMM-7X66-9CGPTStephanie Vu We focus on Malaysian culture and heritage.
Math Competition Club3C4T-3FRN-T6R3NVeronica Moldoveanu  
Math Modeling Club4QV8-HXDR-2XRJ3Debbie KimStudents learn about math modeling and will participate in up to four competitions throughout the year. 
Medlife ClubN47M-GBKZ-RQ6XGNina Kauser  
Mission Green Global ClubW8MT-H6MB-8V5MXCynthia Yoon Model Judiciary prepares legal arguments in response to current issues in local, state, and national jurisprudence.
Model Judiciary9TCS-HWP3-Z7Q7KMatt Stoner  
Model United Nations (MUN)NX7G-ZGKW-6XNDFPeter Bouwma, Timothy Hoffman  
Morgan's Message ClubPJBT-4XZT-9MJSQTina Plaugher Raising awareness about cleft lip, palate conditions, and educating the members on how to make a meaningful impact on patients life.
Music Appreciation ClubWBW6-M96N-Q3QDPRon Budreau  
Muslim Student AssociationXC76-464N-H87J9Angie Rollet A social club to celebrate and learn about Isla
Namaste Yoga ClubKRTQ-47R5-G2B6KAndrew Wax Student led meditation with optional yoga routines to relieve stress and clear one's mind.
Nepali Student AssociationH6QJ-D3K9-ZQ8DBJames KotulaAims to build, connect, educate, and celebrate Nepali's culture amongst Chantilly's students.
Neurology ClubCBMG-B6X6-M9BRMJennifer Callahan Student led organization learning about the neurology, diseases & disorders
Nursing Student Association392M-FFGP-HWM3GCynthia Holland 
Operation SmileNH72-DPGP-F7VFWBetty Ablimit  
Our Minds MatterFR76-VNQZ-D7NDSKristina Crawford  
Photo ClubD2GB-RKX6-WBVHGBetty Simmons  
Pops Symphony OrchestraRGH9-X387-D59T6Douglas Maloney  
Positivity for PatientsBTMM-D8BS-56NGRCynthia Yoon  
Pottery ClubPS2W-DKSN-JPQXMGretchen Mull  
Psychology and Philosophy ClubPF4Q-GR4Q-7TZ9ZRyan Childress  
Readers ClubW9WW-HXN8-CQ35DKristen Schoenberger Readers Club is a space for readers of all types to connect, play games, discuss favorite books and authors, and celebrate the love of reading.
Red Cross Society9DTF-PT8V-JVQHHLauren Godfrey Red Cross Society is a club that discusses current events and promotes helping the community in many ways with service hours requirement.
Rubiks Cube Club8DQ6-8TD7-MFTCPDr. Gill  
Social Entrepreneurship Club H3QH-45X7-RDVZJTodd Whitesell 
Social Justice Club6PDC-P2V8-CDJ6RAngie Rollet  
Sole Exchange Collective ClubFSSR-DJ9Q-RB794Adam Neff A club for sneaker collectors and enthusiasts. Will share tips/tricks and stories, in addition to philanthropic efforts stemming from the world of sneakers.
Spanish Club (La Fuerza Latina)BM88-K5BK-ZGTX8Elizabeth Rosario-Machado, Lisa Cathro Organizes cultural events and activities celebrating Hispanic traditions while building inclusive relationships.
Sports Analytics ClubN4QQ-6PNG-35BMHJames Kotula  
Story Palette ClubXGCX-2B2Q-CK2RSAngie Rollet and Sarah Hartley Students create handmade coloring books for patients in hospitals to brighten their days
Students for Animal WelfareWDZH-T8GB-XT292Brian MaslowskiTo educate students on community-oriented animal welfare issues and help animals in local shelters and rescues. Invite guest speakers, watch documentaries, and provide items to shelters. 
Students for Environmental ActivismSK22-BDG8-NXN2KNeelam Yadav  
Table Tennis (Ping Pong) ClubR8FM-9TXH-5XQ55John King  
The Outlook Club7HG5-RWSZ-78SNKBetty Simmons  
Tilly CarsH9PH-2PFR-TFPM2Patrick Matalavage  
Toastmasters ClubKCBR-8XV3-CQM9WChristine BesenFocus is on public speaking and improving communication skills; however, the year is divided up into three parts: narrative speaking (storytelling), socratic speaking (academic discussions), and impactful speaking/persuasive speaking. 
Turkish Community Club836W-M5RX-74847Joshua Bozka Chantilly students explore and celebrate Turkish culture, including the history, food, music, and language.
USABO (Biology Olympiad)ZQFQ-SV8J-5QCBPKaren Molloy A club to support students preparing for the USA Bio-Olympiad Exam by sharing information about various biology topics
USACO (Computing Olympiad)TD2S-S9XN-8V5K5Bradley Smith  
Vegan ClubTTQ7-WMQ7-R8696Joshua Regan A place where students who live a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle can come together and share ideas and recipes.
Vietnamese Student Association93W9-V7VR-ZT7GXLuc Nguyen  We learn about and celebrate Vietnamese culture.
View Point ClubVNCN-32PQ-3NXB9Kristine Brown The View Point Club creates podcasts on topics of interest to the club.
Voices of ChantillyZSJ6-6NH7-HG9S2Ekim TektasAims to provide all students with opportunities to practice and improve their public speaking.
Women In BusinessDC23-4SCV-ZW72XRon Budreau 
Women In LawKZ52-69KB-RGKK4Scott SmithWomen in Law is a place to learn about women's legal progress, learn courtroom skills, and hear from professionals about career paths for women in law.
Women In Leadership DevelopmentWKDM-HFH6-WZRGXTina Plaugher  
Women In MedicineHVJF-SJJT-MVBTFNeelam Yadav  
Women In Science ClubW4PM-BQ8W-S863NBetty Ablimit, Hayley Perrow Conduct engaging experiments, learn from women scientists and researchers, and explore scientific disciplines that are not as accessible at school.
Young DemocratsX3MP-ZVSK-H39PXJeffrey Krajic  
Young RepublicansBZZ4-J7BT-XQF6RShawn Dineen  


Co-Curricular Organizations & Honor Societies

OrganizationSchoology CodeSponsorDescription
Athletic Training Student Aids6XXN-ZX79-N8CHSKatelyn Bishop, Maegan Milliet A co-curricular activity in which a student gets to assist the Certified Athletic Trainers in providing medical services for student-athletes and get experiences in the Sport Medicine Field
Math Honor SocietyC3C7-MPX4-FT5Z4Grace Park, John King, Kyle Nam A group that recognizes and encourages students who excel in mathematics; the club mainly offers peer tutoring and prepares for math competition
National Art Honor Society682J-G584-5HFG4Gretchen Mull Student led organization that recognizes students for their art scholarship, character, and service, and promotes art education in the school and community
Technology Student AssociationGZK6-9JPP-DQFNVSusan Chudovan, Michael Piccione Co-curricular, competition based organization for middle and high school students who are interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Writing CenterB2TV-XCBQ-N92VVNikki Lehman We are a group of peer tutors ready to help students with any type of writing in any class!
AFJROTCNo Group Needed

Al Clemmons, Michael Rue 


Auto Tech ClubCTM4-RQV7-FJMKRSam Little  
BandNo Group NeededDoug Maloney  
Band-Indoor/Outdoor Drum LineNo Group NeededChristopher Riechers  
Broadcast Journalism (Knightly News)No Group NeededKris Brown The Knightly News produces the weekly announcements show for the school.  
Computer Science Honor SocietyBDZ2-4VMK-TJXTCMarques Cameron Deborah Myung  
DECAS87M-X5JM-H2XGRKaryn Jones, Jenni Piotrowski, Catherine Reinfried, Robert Edwards An organization open to those students interested in the field of marketing and who are enrolled in a course.
Educators RisingPNDD-V5J8-KN6BWCatherine Reinfried A club for students interested in a career in education and competing in events related to education.
French National Honor SocietyZDBT-6MFG-698W8Elaine Gonzalez Advocate for the study of French and francophone cultures and explore these cultures through crafts, presentations, and other interactive experiences.
Future Business Leaders of AmericaSB2D-8JH7-P52HHScott Loube, Matt Keel, Courtney Marshall, Richard Sarhanis, Jerry West  
H.O.S.A.- Health Occupation Student America47GM-NG6N-BB6SCCindy Dowd, Lindsey Grilliot  
International Thespian SocietyMNZK-K3BQ-9JNRMShannon Spicer 
Kitty Hawk Honor Society - JROTCInvitiation OnlyAl Clemmons  
Korean Dance & InstrumentH5WD-WBQ7-Z5K2NEunyoung Ko Lean about Korean Drum and Korean Traditional Dance
Korean National Honor Society4JCM-PF29-PWTFZEunyoung Ko Nation wide Korean Honor Society
Latin Honor SocietyCCGB-NJHX-PJ8VFBethany Abelseth  
National Honor Society 11 & 12XPRX-CSVV-P2MMRAmy Parmentier  
National Honor Society Board2SRK-35FV-B825QAmy Parmentier  
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)89SG-S99Z-Z7WR3Hollie Porcella  
Orchestra & Strings Ensemble38B2-CXZ2-KTFJSAaron Mynes  
Purple Tide- News PaperNo Group NeededKris Brown The Purple Tide is the student news organization for Chantilly High School. They write traditional stories, Instagram stories, photo essays, and podcasts. You can see their work at
Science National Honor SocietyZVDW-2Q6Z-7DBGPKaren Molloy Science National Honor Societal serves the greater Chantilly area in scientific endeavors including science competitions, tutoring, inspirational events and more.
Spanish Honor SocietyR7X4-8CX3-V89XWJames Kotula  
Student Government Association (SGA)MFF6-XMJJ-3XQN8Kristina Plaugher  
Tri-M Music Honor SocietyX2ZN-SPPQ-2W9M9Aaron Mynes  
Yearbook-OdysseyNo Group NeededLuc Nguyen We make the yearbook!

Activities (Application / Tryout)

OrganizationSchoology CodeSponsor
Band-Color Guard Doug Maloney 
Class of 2025COURSEMaura Edwards-Admin, Morgan Erdley, Brian Maslowski 
Class of 2026COURSEJihoon Shin-Admin, Danielle Simpson, Cece Torres 
Class of 2027COURSEEvan Ayars, Gretchen Mull, Cynthia Hawkins-Admin 
Class of 2028COURSETim O'Reilly, Andrew Wax, Debra Wydra 
Debate Team6VR5-CZ7K-ZV2V5James Kotula 
Esports Jakob Hughes & James Kotula 
It's Academic TeamR3VQ-42HM-48FTZTim Allen & Bethany Abelseth 
Robotics 612MJ69-6Q58-8RXG7Michael Piccione 
Robotics 907342JW-W9TJ-4J4DKRon Baer 
Science OlympiadHGHW-8ZTV-G6VTHCrissi Gamache 
SEALS James Steck Ji Hoon Shin-Admin 
Speech TeamM76X-J9G5-DCN2MBarbara Clougherty

Starting a Club

Any student may start a new club or re-start an inactive club.  To re-start a club, you will only need to secure a sponsor and have that sponsor email Carmen Wise (ADSA) [email protected] directly.  The steps in starting a brand new club are:

  1.  Review the existing organizations spreadsheet in your class schoology course to make sure there isn't one that is closely related to your idea.  This spreadsheet is located in the purple clubs folder.
  2. Secure a faculty sponsor that is willing to supervise your meetings and events.
  3. Collaborate with your sponsor and complete the 4 application documents below in separate PDF's.  Each PDF should be saved under the name of your club and the name of the document.  example:  keyclubcoversheet.pdf 

    Cover Sheet Form

    Club Application Form

    Interest Form

    Constitution Template

  4. Email each PDF to Carmen Wise at [email protected].  In the subject line note: Action Needed, New Club Approval. 
  5. Club approvals will go through a 4 step approval process.  This could take up to 3 weeks to gain full approval.