Chantilly Reads

Finding Books

Use the Destiny Discover library catalog to search for books in our library. Log in with your Google account to place holds or renew books. Directions for how to see your account, renew books, or place holds are available in the Library: Chantilly High School Schoology course.

eBooks & Audiobooks

Use the MackinVIA link in Destiny to access eBooks and audiobooks. You can also access them from the MackinVIA app on your computer or other device.  Log in with your Google account. Directions for how to use MackinVIA are available in the Library: Chantilly High School Schoology course

Fairfax County Public Library also has many eBooks and audiobooks that you can access with a public library account.

Readers Club

Do you like reading?  The Chantilly High School Readers Club meets to share book recommendations, talk about books, and do book-related activities.  All students are welcome to attend.


  • The CHS Library has about 20,000 print books available for checkout. We strive to maintain a collection that represents all students in our school.
  • Our books check out for three weeks. Students may renew their books online through their Destiny account or in person at the library.
  • We are happy to arrange to borrow books from other FCPS schools whenever possible.
  • Students may also place holds on materials that are currently checked out from our library.