Information about all of our course offerings are here! Included is our course catalog, information about course sequences, our academic advising dates and more!
It is with great pleasure we announce that Chantilly High School is recipient of the Purple Star Award! This award designation is valid for a period of three school years beginning with this school year 2024-2025. We are honored to be recognized as a welcoming and supportive school, especially for our military connected students.
Catch up on news and announcements by reading our latest From the Principal Chargers Connect (News You Choose) message.
Did you know that there's so much going on with Chantilly Performing Arts that we can't fit it all on one webpage? Each art form has its own website where you can find out more about their programs!
Find information here about PSTD dates, replacement DEC cards and licensing procedures.
Catch up on news and announcements from our Activities Office by reading their latest messages.
All FCPS middle and high schools will host a free immunization clinic this fall in collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department. Students must participate at the school where they are enrolled. Clinics will be held during school hours. Parents/caregivers must sign a consent form for students under 18.