Attendance Procedures & Policies

Procedures and policies regarding student attendance

Attendance Policy and Procedures

To report attendance, contact your student(s) subschool and if applicable, Chantilly Academy.  Only CHS students are also enrolled in Academy courses must contact the Academy.  


Procedure for Absences

  • Parent calls the student’s sub-school on the day of absence. A student may bring a note from parent to the sub-school on the day of return. The absence note must include the student’s name, dates of absence, the reason for absence, parent’s signature, and phone number.  
  • Keep In Touch: Phone calls and emails will be sent home through our Keep In Touch, KIT, phone system as follows:
    • A message for any unexcused/unverified absence to any class prior to 9:30 a.m. that day will go out that morning.
    • A message for any unexcused tardy to 1st block class or unexcused or unverified class absences other than 1st block will be sent after 5:30 p.m. that day.
    • All absences must be cleared up within 3 days otherwise they will be considered unexcused. 
  • Academy Student Absences: The Academy runs separate attendance from Chantilly HS. Please notify the Academy (703-222-7496) and the student’s sub-school when your student is absent.
  • Prearranged Absences: (family, college trips, medical reasons). Student must bring a note to their sub-school at least a week prior to the intended absence. The student will receive a prearranged absence form for teachers to sign, list the missing assignments, and due dates.  This would include ending the school year early (within 15 days of the announced last day of school).

Prearranged Absence for Civic Duty

In accordance with FCPS Regulation R2234, students are excused from school one day per year to participate in optional civic engagement activities. Students and parents must complete the appropriate FCPS attendance form that approves an absence for the purpose of civic engagement and submit this form to the attendance office in order to receive an excused absence. If students do not submit the form to the attendance office, the absence from class will be considered unexcused.


Future Absences

If parents are aware of a future absence, such as a full day absence for a civic engagement activity or a cultural observance, they may contact the school to report the absence and related date. Extended absences, typically for hardship reasons, must be documented and submitted to the school principal at least three to five school days in advance for review and action.

View the Secondary Prearranged Absence Form

Excused Absences

  • Illness of the student
  • Death in the family
  • Medical or dental appointment
  • Observance of a religious holiday 
  • Assistant Principal authorization

Unexcused Absences Reasons

  • Family and/or student vacations not pre-arranged 
  • Child care situations
  • Non-school-related activities 
  • Missing the school bus/traffic or weather issues
  • Other reasons unacceptable to the Principal

Excused and Unexcused Tardies

  • Students late to class without an excused pass will be marked as unexcused tardy for that class.  Students with excessive excused absences/tardies may be required to present documentation from a doctor.
  • Students are to be marked tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell finishes ringing.
  • Students arriving at school unexcused, between 8:10 and 8:15, may report directly to class and the teacher will mark them unexcused tardy.  
  • Students arriving after 8:15 must check in at the sub-school regardless if it is excused or unexcused.
  • Students will be issued a check-in pass.

Procedures for Check-Ins / Check-Outs

Procedures for Parents and Students


  1. Prearranged Absences
  • The student will bring a note from the parent/guardian to the sub-school office OR parents will call the sub school office, stating the reason for the prearranged absence request and date(s) of the requested absence(s).
  •  Part-day and full-day absences except illness, death in family or medical appointments must be submitted at least two days prior to the absence.
  • The sub-school office will give a form to the student to take around to his/her teachers. Teachers will sign and write comments, if they choose.  Teachers will record date(s) of absence and provide a list of assignments that will be missed. The student will bring the form back to the sub-school office.
  • The sub-school principal will review teachers’ comments, if any.  The sub-school assistant principal may call parents to share teachers’ comments, etc.


2.  Check-in/Tardiness - Unexcused Tardy Policy

  •   Students are to be marked tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell finishes ringing.
  • Students arriving at school unexcused, between 8:10 and 8:15, may report directly to class and the teacher will mark them unexcused tardy.  
  • Students arriving after 8:15 must check in at the sub-school regardless if it is excused or unexcused.
  • Students will be issued a check-in pass.  


3.  Check-out

  • Parents are required to furnish a written excuse to OR call the student’s sub school including date, time, reason for the early dismissal and phone number for verification.
  • Students MUST always check in with their sub school before 8:10 a.m. to have an Ehall pass created for them. Parents will be contacted to confirm check-out if the student misses the 8:10 a.m. deadline.
  • Students must always check in with the sub school and obtain an EHALL PASS prior to leaving the school building.  
  • When a student is sent home or a doctor’s attention is required, the SUBSCHOOL OFFICE will be notified at the end of the day. The school nurse will issue a check-out pass to the student.  The student MUST check out of school through the clinic when leaving the grounds because of illness.
  • The online attendance form can NOT be completed for “day-of” checkouts. 

Did You Know?

  • Virginia requires that all children between the ages of five and eighteen be enrolled in school and attend on a daily basis.  A student who is absent from school for 15 consecutive days or more is withdrawn from school and must officially register again upon his or her return to school
  • Chronic absenteeism (missing 18 or more school days per year) is a primary cause of lower academic achievement even when the absences are "excused" or understandable.
  • Students who attend 90% or more of the school year are more likely to graduate from high school on time.
  • Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school work, dealing with peer conflicts or facing some other potentially serious difficulty, and help is available.  

Check Your Child's Attendance

Parents can log into the Student Information System (SIS) Parent Account to view your child's attendance. For additional support with accessing and using the SIS Parent Account visit our SIS Parent Account overview page

Attendance Links: