Charger Events - Mar 24 - Mar 29
Chantilly Events3 days 22 hours agoHaving trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.
Welcome to the Chantilly High School Activities Weekly Bulletin.
For more information on teams and coaches, please visit our Chantilly Athletics website at
Chantilly SpiritwearVisit our Spiritwear store to purchase!
Chantilly High School Spiritwear
Announcements Concorde District
2025 All-District Swim & Dive Team
First Team
Ben Clabeaux (Chantilly)
Ben Farello (Chantilly)
Brown Ivor (Chantilly)
Kyle Li (Chantilly)
Yaron Li (Chantilly)
Blake Madsen (Chantilly)
Paxton Martinez (Chantilly)
2025 All-Northern Region Swim & Dive Team
Ivor Brown (Chantilly)
Ben Farello (Chantilly)
Kyle LI (Chantilly)
Yaron Li (Chantilly)
Blake Madsen (Chantilly)
Paxton Martinez (Chantilly)
Chantilly Band Assessments
The Chantilly Bands shared wonderful performances over the weekend at our VBODA State Concert Band Assessment. For these assessments, each ensemble is required to prepare a concert march and two graded musical selections (ranging in difficulty from grade 1-grade 6). Their performance of these pieces is evaluated live by three judges, who provide commentary in addition to grades in seven categories – Tone Quality, Intonation, Technique, Rhythm, Balance, Musicianship, and General Factors. Following their stage performance, each ensemble then moves to a Sight Reading evaluation, where students and teacher have 7 minutes to study/learn a piece of music they have never seen before. During this study time they are not allowed to play, but may use various practice strategies and discussion to prepare. At the end of the study time, each ensemble performs their sight reading piece start to finish, receiving commentary and grades in the same categories as their stage performance.
Chantilly Concert Band (gr. IV difficulty) – EXCELLENT and SUPERIOR ratings on stage, EXCELLENT in sight reading
Chantilly Symphonic Band (gr. IV/V difficulty) – unanimous SUPERIOR ratings on stage and in sight reading
Chantilly Symphonic Winds (gr. VI difficulty) – unanimous SUPERIOR ratings on stage and in sight reading
In addition to earning high marks from each judge, the CHS Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Symphonic Winds were each commended for their artistry and professionalism throughout. Congratulations to the 185 Chantilly students who collaborated throughout this process to deliver these spirited performances!
With the Superior ratings at both Concert Band and Marching Band Assessment this year, the Chantilly Band has earned Virginia Honor Band status for the 18th time in school history and 7th consecutive year!
Additionally, Congratulations to the students of the entire Chantilly Music Department, who have earned distinction this year as a Blue Ribbon School by the Virginia Music Educators Association! This award recognizes music programs whose Band, Choral, and Orchestra programs all earn Superior ratings during their State Assessment performances.
Hey Seniors - the CHS Athletic Booster Club application period for up to six (6) $1,000 Scholarships will be open in March! To be eligible to apply, senior must participate in one varsity sport as a player, manager or trainer and be a current member of Boosters (or parent/guardian is a member) as of 12/31/24. Keep on the look out - more info to come soon!
To CHS Booster Pass Holders -CHS Booster Passes have gone digital on GoFan! Please make sure you DO NOT click the green button shown below until the Gate Attendant tells you to. The "Use 1 pass" button MUST be green or you will not be allowed to use that pass to enter.
See the full GoFan instructions on how to use the new digital Booster pass.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Mar. 31 - Holiday - Eid-al-Fitr - No Play Date
Apr. 1 - Teacher Workday
Apr. 4 - Prom
Apr. 12 - Apr. 20 - Spring Break
Quick Links:- Chantilly Athletics
- Chantilly High School
- Activities Registration
- Chantilly Athletics Boosters
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- E-Tix CHS Athletics
- FCPS Student Athletics
- Concorde District Website
4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA 20151 | Main Office: 703-222-8100
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