Celebrate 50 Years of Chantilly High School Theatre Community!
Greetings students, alumni staff and families!
On Saturday, May 31st, the Chantilly Drama 50th Anniversary Gala will bring together theatre arts students, alumni, faculty and families to celebrate 50 years of the Chantilly High School Theatre community.
Guests will enjoy a pre-performance reception in the Lecture Hall starting at 6pm, see exhibits in our Museum of Chantilly Drama, share in our slideshows, purchase raffle tickets and limited edition spirit wear, and catch up with fellow "theatre kids" and faculty from our 50 year history.
At 7pm, we raise the curtain on "50 Years in Review", featuring an all new script by our own Ed Monk, followed by an alumni & student showcase of songs, dance and dramatic scenes (audition info below). After the show, enjoy our dessert bar and after-party!
Tickets are now on sale!
All tickets include:
* Free food & drink all night
* Printed program
* 1 raffle ticket for themed prize baskets.
Early Bird Pricing
Students $15
Adults $20
VIP $60
Pricing after April 20th
Students $30
Adults $40
VIP $80
VIP ticket includes:
* 50th Anniversary t-shirt (also available separately)
* Seating in first 8 rows
* Early admission
* 10 raffle tickets for themed prize baskets
Ticket sales will close 5/11. Tickets will NOT be available at the door.
50th Anniversary T-shirts
Gildan Soft Style Tee in purple or black, with 50th anniversary logo on the front pocket area, word cloud listing all the shows from our 1st 50 years on the back
Sample image on ordering page, updated images will be available soon.
Shirts are available as part of the VIP package, or purchase separately
Go to our ticketing page to purchase https://www.etix.com/ticket/v/23147/chantilly-high-school-chantilly-hs-drama-boosters
T-Shirts will be available for pickup at the gala, or you can order then to be shipped to your home (please verify your mailing address when ordering)
Audition Info for Showcase
* Get your friends together or go solo with a song, dance or scene (not more than 4 minutes long). Please provide your own backing track.
* Create a 1 minute video audition, send to Zach at @email
* Please include name and graduation year all performers
* Submissions must be emailed by 4/30/25 to be considered
* Selected performers will be notified by 5/9/25
* Performers must attend a short sound check and rehearsal at 4pm on May 31st
* Tell your friends & classmates!
Program Ads
We will be creating a printed playbill for the gala. We're selling ads and would love your support.
Congratulate a senior, celebrate friendships or promote your business!
Full page B&W ad for $100 (5" width, 8" height) - portrait orientation
Half page B&W ad for $60 (5" width, 4" height) - landscape orientation
Quarter page B&W ad for $35 (2.5" width, 4" height) - portrait orientation
Ads and payment are due by 5pm on Friday, May 9, 2025
Email your ad in jpg or png format to @email, please specify ad size in your message and contact info for any questions.
Payment forms accepted:
Bring a check payable to Chantilly HS Drama Boosters to the April 8th Boosters Meeting
Mail to Lisa Payne, 4520 Hazelnut Ct., Chantilly VA 20151 by 5/9/25
OR Pay with Venmo at https://tinyurl.com/venmo-chsdrama25 & list your ad in the memo.
We want your photos!
We want to represent as many years as possible, so gather up your old pics and send them our way to @email by April 30, 2025.
If you have hard copy pictures, scan and send your pictures as a jpg or just take a picture of your picture and email them.
Please include as much info as you have about who is in the picture, the year, the show name, the director, etc.
We especially want your photos prior to 1998!
Please contact us at @email with your questions or comments!
We can't wait to see you!
Chantilly High School Theater 50th Anniversary Committee
50th Anniversary Gala and Alumni Showcase
Saturday, May 31st, 6pm, CHS Auditorium