Academic Integrity & Grading Policies

At Chantilly High School we believe a grade should communicate learning as students progress toward mastery.  We believe teachers and students should prioritize learning and growth over grades.  We believe that in order for students to be successful, they must engage in the learning process, including completing all learning activities (graded and non-graded), and we will continue to collaborate to create time and support, both within the school day and after school, for students to do so. 

Gradebook Type

Chantilly uses a year-long rolling gradebook.  This is a cumulative document that tracks all progress towards a final grade.  It captures the total picture of every grade, regardless of length of quarter or number of assignments in each quarter. 

Think of end-of-quarter report cards as snapshot of learning at a single point in time. Final year-end posted grades are the only ones that count towards your GPA.

Instead of averaging each of the 4 quarter grades, rolling gradebooks are set up so the final course grade is determined by averaging every assignment and assessment throughout the year. 

Grading Categories & Calculation

Chantilly gradebooks will contain two grading categories:  

Summative: Assignments in this category are eligible for reassessment or grade replacement up to 100%.  Examples of Summative Assessments: Projects, performance assessments, major writing assignments, presentations, labs, tests.  

Formative: Assignments in this category are not eligible for reassessment; however, they are eligible for grade replacement up to 100%.  Examples of Formative Assignments: Quizzes, Classwork, homework and exit tickets.  

Chantilly gradebook calculations will be as follows: 

Summative: This grading category will make up 70% of a students overall grade in a course.

Formative: This grading category will make up 30% of a students overall grade in a course. 


Comment Codes

All courses at Chantilly HS will use the following comment codes to communication information about items in the gradebook:

RAM: Required Assignment Missing.  

RR: Retake Required.  

MG: Minimum Grade. 

NLA: No Longer Accepted.  This only applies to the Formative category. 

EXC: Excused Work.  

Late Work

Summative: There is no late work penalty for summative category assignments turned in within a 2 week grace period.  After the 2 week grace period, the grade will be entered as a 50 (F).

Formative: Your teacher may or may not accept late non-mastery assignments for full credit.   

Academic Integrity

Commitment to Academic Integrity: 

In every course, it is expected that all Chantilly Chargers will demonstrate academic integrity at all times.  Any cheating or plagiarism that intends to deceive the instructor will not be tolerated.  This deception includes, but is not limited to, the following: copying work from any source and presenting it as your own, allowing your work to be copied by another student, gaining illicit access to questions or prompts prior to an assessment, discussing test/quiz items with another student who has not yet taken the assessment, or in any way trying to gain an unfair advantage over your peers.  

Students have the responsibility to:

  • Avoid situations that might contribute to cheating or plagiarizing.
  • Avoid unauthorized assistance.
  • Use sources in the prescribed manner.
  • Document borrowed materials by citing sources.
  • Avoid plagiarism by:
    • using quotation marks for statements taken from others.
    • acknowledging information and ideas borrowed from any source.
    • consulting faculty members about a questionable situation.
  • Avoid “cutting” and “pasting” from computer text without proper attribution.

Students who violate “the spirit or the letter of the law” as regards cheating and plagiarizing must accept responsibility for their actions and the accompanying consequences. Consequences may include:

  • A parent/guardian-student-administrator conference.
  • Retaking an assessment.
  • A lowering of the grade or receiving an F for the assignment.
  • An alternative assessment or recompletion of the original assignment


Edit History Policy:

When submitting writing assignments electronically, students must create and edit them exclusively in their FCPS provided Google Docs account unless teachers direct otherwise. Revision history must be included. Students caught cheating/plagiarizing may be given an opportunity for credit on an alternative assignment (dependent upon the student’s record in the Student Information System(SIS)


Generative Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of technology that involves computer programming and data. There are many different types of AI tools. Some can use data to make predictions, decisions, and/or generate content. 

CHS teachers will specify when it is acceptable for you to use AI on any part of an assignment. Teachers will also review expectations for citing AI and/or how students should explain their use of AI. Students should follow the Honor Code to maintain academic integrity. Students remain responsible for any/all content submitted as their own work.  Students should not use AI on any assignment without the teacher's permission. 

Before using AI tools on assignments, students are required to confirm:

  • if AI can be used on any part of an assignment, 
  • how it can be used, 
  • how to show your work, and 
  • how to cite or explain their use of AI. 

Students should NEVER enter any of the following information into AI Tools: 

  • personal information (name, date of birth, etc.); 
  • education records (grades, transcripts, etc.); and 
  • work that belongs to others.