Writing Center

Our door is open to any student who desires help in writing. We are an organization composed of students with a passion and skill in writing who want to help students become independent thinkers, free artists and developed writers. In this room, our philosophy is to work together to help students to find their own voice and style.

 As tutors of the Chantilly Writing Center, our mission is to:

  • Produce better writers, not better writing
  • Create a learning environment that is comfortable and open to all students 
  • Provide support and assistance to teachers in and out of the classroom
  • Make the writing process feel enjoyable and less overwhelming  
  • Establish helpful and encouraging tutor/student relationships
  • Build a supportive and independent community of writers 
  • Discover students’ writing struggles and work to solve them
  • Celebrate writing 

It takes both a lock and a key to open a door; together, success can be achieved. The ultimate goals of this center are to help students to: 

  • Overcome anxiety and develop confidence in words
  • Appreciate writing as an art form
  • Learn and adapt the processes of brainstorming and organization
  • Learn to write towards a purpose
  • Develop effective writing practices across all disciplines 
  • Focus on the content and style of a paper
  • Form a habit of editing and revision 

CHS Writing Center

Faculty Advisors