School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

School Improvement & Innovation Plan At-a-Glance (SIIP) 2024 - 2025

  • 2024-2025

  • Chantilly High School / Region 5

  • Amy Goodloe, Principal 



Goal: In the 2024-25 school year,  an increase of 10% of students across the following subgroups: SWD, MLL, Economically Disadvantaged, Black, and Hispanic or Latino will receive no final mark below a C-.
Goal: In the 2024-25 school year, every student will acquire critical and creative thinking skills, meet/exceed high academic standards, and achieve their highest academic potential. By the end of 2024-25 school year, 83% (increase of 10%) of all Chantilly students will earn marks of C- or higher as measured by Grade Point Average (GPA - 1.7 or higher) in Reading, Math and Science.                           
Strategy 1

Strengthen differentiation by designing and implementing effective scaffolds.

Strategy 2

Explicitly model problem-solving strategies, thinking processes, and academic skills to support students in engaging with rigorous tasks. 

Strategy 3

Develop and monitor annual four-year course plans for high school beginning in 8th grade (or 5 year course plans for students with disabilities). 



Goal: By the end of 2024-25 school year, the following sub-groups will improve their performance by 5% in advanced coursework as follows: SWD, Economically Disadvantaged, Black, Hispanic or Latino, Two or more Races, White. 
Goal: By the end of 2024-25 school year, 91% of all 12th grade students will successfully complete advanced coursework, as measured by the final grade reported and credits awarded.  Evidence of a progression towards or successful completion of advanced coursework (e.g., Honors, Advanced Placement [AP], dual enrollment [DE], Career and Technical Education [CTE], etc.)
Strategy 1

Increase opportunities for student reflection, goal-setting, and feedback that supports growth around content and Portrait of a Graduate skills. 

Strategy 2

Use Academic and Career Advisory Lessons (available in Schoology).

Strategy 3

Increase opportunities for students to engage in rigorous and open-ended tasks that require critical and creative thinking. 



Goal: By then end of the 2024-2025 school year, Chantilly's Chronic absenteeism rate will decrease by at least 5.0%, moving into the green status, as measured by the VDOE chronic absenteeism rate.

(CRA = Number of students that are absent 10.0% or more, divided by, total number of students with membership greater than or equal to 50% of a school's membership)

Strategy 1

MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention Teams analyze attendance along with behavior and wellness data bi-monthly to identify students in need of Tier 2 an d Tier 3 interventions. 

Strategy 2

School will implement practices to recognize good and improved attendance to reinforce attendance and strengthen student and family engagement.    

Strategy 3

School will share multilingual attendance materials with families throughout the year to educate families regarding the importance of attending school for success. 

Strategy 4

Structured, flexible in-person instruction will be made available all year during after school hours. 



Goal: In the 2024-25 school year, our SWD will improve their pass rate on Math SOL's by 10%, moving from a 56% pass rate to a 66% pass rate, closing the achievement gap within our subgroups as measured by the end of year SOA measures. 
Strategy 1

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics. 

Strategy 2

Students enrolled in a math course with a failing grade from the previous school year or at the 1st quarter mark will be identified and provided in-school (Directed Charger Connect) and after school academic intervention. 

Strategy 3

Provide direct, explicit and targeted intervention to students in need through the utilization of high impact tutors.