CHS 2024 - 2025 Outstanding Employees
We recently celebrated the winners of our 2024 CHS Outstanding Employee awards. Many of our amazing Chantilly faculty and staff were nominated by students, colleagues, parents, and community members for their contributions to our school. We acknowledge our winners below and have included just one of the many submissions for their award. Please congratulate our winners!
CHS 2024-25 Outstanding New Teacher, Jakob Hughes 
“To be a good teacher you don't just need to memorize information and assign homework. To be an exceptional teacher you also need to be a good human being. Mr. Hughes demonstrates this every day in the classroom. His level of understanding of the topics is such that he manages to reduce them to our level so that we can understand them, and then go deeper into them. Not only that but he has incredible charisma. He is the type of teacher who makes you excited to go to school. Because this is something that has changed over the last few years, we often see school as an obligation, not as an opportunity. I have seen Mr. Hughes deal with extremely lazy students and the way he is patient and motivates them to learn is remarkable. This goes hand in hand with my main reason for nominating him, HE DOESN'T SEE US AS STUDENTS, HE SEES US AS PEOPLE. Mr. Hughes is aware that we are not at 100% every day, that we have problems in our personal lives, that we have more subjects, and he is flexible, because he cares more about whether we learn, not like other teachers who define a student by their score. His empathy is a necessary quality for a good teacher, because he is dealing with another human being, and for that and many other reasons I hope you see his light.”
CHS 2024-25 Outstanding Leader, Zack Winfrey 
“I do not think Mr. Winfrey sleeps. How does he possibly do all of these things? He's a very effective communicator--sending out lists for students who need support. He runs after school detention to help improve our abysmal attendance, he's fun-loving and supports after school hilarity with the social club, and he completes bicep-busting farmer carries to support our CHS Wrestling Team. All this, and a DAD too! It's a WIN for WINfrey!”
CHS 2024-25 Outstanding Teacher, Doug Maloney 
“I will never get over how impressive it is to watch Mr. Maloney run a class or after-school rehearsal. He is able to pinpoint and immediately assess areas for growth or minor details that need to be fixed. As Dept. Chair for Performing Arts, Doug herds our group of cats into necessary meetings for CLT and logistic purposes. Our calendar has never been cleaner or more prepared. Doug has the respect of every single student and staff member that comes down into our Performing Arts Wing.”
CHS 2024-25 Outstanding Professional, Nick Thayer 
“Without a doubt, Nick Thayer's presence and relationship with my child has been the one consistent, steady force that has enabled my child to remain in school and not on homebound or switching to home schooling. Nick believes in my child -- and my child fully knows it. He follows the foundational social work skill of "start where the client is" and always views my child as they are and as an individual in their environment, not as just another student who needs to move through the system (which is how so many others have made my child feel). Nick has been my child's "safe, go-to" person for 4 years whenever my child is struggling -- autistic burnout and sensory overload have been tremendous roadblocks to my child's success in school. He advocates for my child to their teachers, partners with school administrators, uses out-of-the-box creative problem solving, and also finds a way to use humor to diffuse difficult situations. My child won't miss high school when it's over, but they will undoubtedly miss Nick and his presence.”
CHS 2024-25 Outstanding Operational Employee, Monica Afryie 
“She helps keep the school clean and she also helps students with whatever they need.”